Friday, March 18, 2005


My old alma mater Pensacola Jr. College hosted this event. It has one of the foremost ETV stations in America Their coverage will be available later. For now, the local ABC affiliate's coverage is available from the link below. (Pensacola's population is probably a little less that all of Sussex County, NJ). On stage are my Mom, Myrtle Campbell (next to Barbara Bush) and my niece, Mary Beth Roberts (next to POTUS). Much of the family is in the audience. Congressman Jeff Miller (R) Chumuckla is from my hometown ... .

Thanks to Joyce Penton Schnoor (Joyce now lives in a barn since their home was destoyed by Ivan ... yet she has internet in her barn!) for sending me the WEAR Link!

. ................... ps: for those who for some reason or other don't like Pres. Bush, you can also find the footage of your fellow protestors on this site! Ain't America great!

WEAR TV3 This website will offer you a chance to stream the President's speech on your computer. Mom and MB are toward the end of the piece .. you can move the slider over to the last part. Mom and Mary Beth met for a half hour with GWB before the speech and the family met with the Bushes afterward and took photos. Hope to have some photos soon.