My Chumuckla classmate. A good friend . A great family. At Jr. College, TIM AND I worked for the new Public TV Station WSRE . I was a photographer's helper.
Tim had a job reviewing ALL the travel films that filled a lot of hours of public broadcast then. This was to be sure they were not going to break, were complete, and did not have some embarrassing sabatoge film spliced in that reflect poorly on the station.
Tim visited about every country there was, by film. Later in life, he actually visited many. But, now ... he gets to visit the best of all, and not by film. Peace for your journey, Tim.
Tim had a job reviewing ALL the travel films that filled a lot of hours of public broadcast then. This was to be sure they were not going to break, were complete, and did not have some embarrassing sabatoge film spliced in that reflect poorly on the station.
Tim visited about every country there was, by film. Later in life, he actually visited many. But, now ... he gets to visit the best of all, and not by film. Peace for your journey, Tim.