We'll be at the Opry for the afternoon. All former students, staff and faculty from the school (and friends) are invited to join us for a great visit. You can stay into the evening and have dinner and the show at the Farmer's Opry. (SEE COMMENTS BELOW - NEWS FROM BENNY) The prices are very reasonable and we can visit even longer into the night!
Our YAHOO Group page has more news and notes about our planning. Carole put this notice in the local news:
Chumuckla High School Class of 67’ is celebrating their 40 year class reunion at the Farmer’s Opry in Chumuckla on June 9th 2007 from 1:00-4:00 PM. All former students and teachers are invited to a night of food, fun and music afterwards at 4:30PM, dinner $10:50 or dinner and show $18.50. For more information Carole Bryant 850-994-3251.
1 comment:
TO BENNY: Thanks for the notice. Well now, I expect the reunion will be dull. You can keep up with us if you get online at www.chumuckla.com .. which has a link to the class page under "links". However - it appears for us to keep up with you it is going to be a chore. Word was you went and came back but I guess you went back again. Don't you read the papers? I know the pay is good. So when you get back you can take us all out for mullet. Stay safe ol' buddy. "They ain't but one Benny". Vic (In the People's Republic of New Jersey).
From: Benny Enfinger [mailto:frydmullet@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 10:24 AM
Subject: 40 years I resemble that remark Hi there fellow graduate just thought i would shoot this note to you to let you know that i am not going to be able to make the old folks reunion. Currently working in Baghdad and that aint in Milton, been employd with KBR since jan.06 hoping to stay until sept. but taking it one day at the time. Pray this finds you and family all well, things going well on this side of the world for me just a long way from the crossroads. Sent you and email last week but kicked off line thought I would try it again. Lot of work over here I stay on a huge compound that circles Baghdad airport, 15 minutes from downtown if Iwas aloud to go outside the wire,but unless you are going to another camp to work you arent able to go,it is forbidden which is alright with me, Idont need no close up of big al-queada anyway because he is a bad boy. It would be good to see everyone again, maybe on our 50 year party Ican see all well guys waiting to use internet so I will close for now take care and keepem turning. always Benny
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